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Recoding a board Mtg.

17 years 2 months ago #139429 by OneandOnly
I believe that everyone needs to be made aware of the fact that she intended to tape record the meeting. Placing the recorder on the table isn't bringing it to everyone's attention that it is actually there AND recording. She should not be able to use the recording as "proof" of anything due to the fact that it was taped without anyone's consent.
I am just curious as to why she felt the need to tape such a meeting when she is the one that flip flopped.

Doing it for my one and only ~~ my son!
17 years 2 months ago #139343 by beignets
Replied by beignets on topic RE: Recoding a board Mtg.
google (if youre in NY for ex) 'NY wiretapping laws', and you will find the answer to your question.

in some states, it could be a 3rd degree felony to tape (or aide and abet such) without consent (ther are exceptions, law enforcement for ex).

in some states, you can carry a concealed recorder areound all day and tape to your hearts content, and be legal!
17 years 2 months ago #139335 by mommytlc
Replied by mommytlc on topic RE: Recoding a board Mtg.
What's the purpose of recording a meeting? Aren't the minutes of the meeting sufficient enough? Just asking.
17 years 2 months ago #139312 by dlf
Replied by dlf on topic RE: Recoding a board Mtg.
We've recorded them in the past but of course in VA there is issue with that if all parties don't agree with the recording. So we make the first sentence of the recording a vote to approve the recording of the meeting and have their named approval on the tape.

17 years 2 months ago #139310 by Shawn
Replied by Shawn on topic RE: Recoding a board Mtg.
Google your local state laws, some make it legal and some its a felony depending on the curcumstances

Secretly recording or overhearing a conversation held in a private place, whether carried out orally or by wire or electronic means, is criminally punishable as a felony under statutory provisions regarding invasions of privacy.

However, some laws expressly provides that it does not prohibit a person who is a party to a conversation from recording and does not prohibit recording if one party to the conversation has given prior consent.

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
17 years 2 months ago #139304 by sweety
Replied by sweety on topic RE: Recoding a board Mtg.
She has not shared the tape with any one that I know off. I am just mad that she would be so sneaky about it.
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