You might think about the song and use each day for a related little treat. On the first day maybe create a little note with the verse for that day with the picture (partridge, pear tree) and find a candy/gum/tea bag with either pears on it or pear flavored. Same thing with the rest of the song, with a little thought I'm sure you'll figure it out. If you're creative enough (and it sounds like you are!) you may even want to re-write the song to reflect your school mascot/teachers. For one day during Teacher Appreciation week I had bought a book of crossword puzzles from the dollar store and made enough copies to give one to each of our teachers with a little note that said "It's not puzzling why our school has the best teachers!" Believe me it's easy, give it a little thought, walk around the store and see what comes to mind. Good luck!
I would like to present to our board an idea to celebrate the 12 school days before Christmas for our staff. I was thinking about certain days could be, treats (food), small inexpensive things. Any ideas???