For the grandmother looking for Kindergarten Room Party Ideas...
1. Snow Relay - put out 2 huge bowls full of cotton balls with plastic, small cups at one end and empty bowls at the other end. Divide kids into 2 teams, they scoop cotton balls (snow) into the cups and race to other end to dump their snow into a bowl. First team to dump all their snow from one bowl into the other bowl wins. To make it more fun, make them put on mittens or gloves.
2. Toss the Christmas cookie cutters into a bowl/basket (these are the assorted plastic cookie cutters)
3. Snowman wrap - divide up kids into teams of 2 per team. They use a roll of toilet paper and wrap the other kid to look like a snowman. This is more difficult for the younger kids though.
4. Don't break the Ice Game - this is an actual game found in stores (along the lines of "Don't Spill the Beans" game, but kids take turn chipping at little blocks of ice. Small groups of kids (4-5) do this game at a time.
5. Snowman Dance - play some holiday music and ask the kids to dance/move in place, stop the music unexpectedly and the kids freeze in place like a snowman. If they keep dancing and don't stop, then they "melt" and are out...those kids sit on the floor while the others will keep playing the game.
As you can tell, I've done a snowman theme party before (our school will NOT allow our Winter Room parties to be Christmas related).
any ides for xmas party for k class. I am a grandmother graising a grandson, I did this all years ago, but like I said, it was years ago. Somehow I am again, a room mother with not much help so far. the party will be in the classroom.
Help Please!!!!!!!!!!
Set up stations of activites, crafts or games. Each one highlights a different country and their winter holiday. Years ago at work I was part of a diversity committee and every day in December we highlighted a different country. We wrote their traditions, customs and had a display (courtesy of donations) of traditional decorations. It was a HUGE hit with employees and I think kids would love to learn how other countries celebrate holidays in December.
It would also bring students "together" so they can recognize their differences, but see how they are alike in how every family or ethnic group does something to celebrate traditions & holidays.
For photos, however, I would set up a winter scene with snowmen that you can have the family members stand behind and place their heads on top. It would be a funny picture. Charge $5.00 per polaroid and have all proceeds go to a shelter or food bank for holiday meals
We do a holiday kick off movie (Polar Express) the week after thanksgiving. Then it is a free craft night, and Holiday Shop...and then we do a jingle bell jog with cookies and milk. It is busy and spirited and FUN!!! If you are interested I can send you what we have...for you to take a look. Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for fliers etc.