I have a daughter in headstart.....we have a parent committee made up of a chair, co chair sec and treas. The headstart actually takes care of our money, but if they weren't governed by fed. gov. we probably would do our own banking too. We make similar decisions and have the same idea...fund things the school doesnt pay for. Just my thoughts, but this may do the job you intend to get done.
Considering your population rotates through so quickly, do you need a formal PTO set up? A parent support group would be less regimented and as parents make their pit-stop through on their way to the elementary, you don't have to worry about keeping the organization in tact year to year. Have it run on a year to year basis only.
we're starting a pre-k pto. our integrated pre-k is housed in an elementary school, but it's district wide and the school won't let us be part of their pto...so we're starting our own. i bought the start up guide but it all seems so regimented. how many officers should we start with? and any other words of advice would be much appreciated!