question, I was on here three weeks ago and found all kinds of exaples of other peoples bylaws they just posted for poeple. I was not able to get my printer to work. Still need the examples, asap, now can anyone help?Please
I would recommend holding elections, per your Bylaws, at the end of this school year. Being that the Bylaws are new this year would not count against the rules and you would effectively be starting new. That's what I would do, but I could also see the possibility of bringing this up at the meeting and putting to vote the concept of accepting the existing board as firm, per the Bylaws.
If it is the same as ours, you can only serve 2 consecutive years in one position. You would still have to be voted in the second year (in case someone is dying to take your position)
Hi everyone! I have a question about bylaws. Before last month our PTO did not have bylaws, we just passed them at our last meeting. The old PTO board stepped down in June and us new folks took over in July. Our new bylaws state that the board will serve a 2 year term, unless they step down before that. So does this mean we are on it for 2 years? We were not elected like our new bylaws state, however before we never had bylaws and people were just appointed, like we were. I have asked several people what they thought and everyone I have talked to thought we should automatically be on there for 2 years. I was just wondering what PTO Today's opinion of this was. Please respond ASAP - our meeting is this week. Thanks much for your help!!