pals;137282 wrote: TIM! I am surprised at you! I will be the first to admit that email is so easy to rely on, I also will be the first to admit that I have relied very heavy on it until I learned my lesson.
My that sending email is not as personal as that face to face, or phone call. It is something that even though parents may sign up for they may not actually check it for weeks...this is common! I was amazed by that because I am on my computer daily! Also believe it or not parents may not even know how to use email-yes I have heard that as well.
I became very dependent on email until last spring when I realized that it was not the best way to go. We do our minutes home to all parents, updates, volunteer requests, all of that on paper. We do have info on our web page, and I still do email reminders BUT I am no longer dependent on them, if a person signed up to volunteer I either call or send a note home, thank yous are always a personal touch.
If it works for your group great but please be caution that there may be down sides to it...I never would have guessed!
Hmmm... I don't know, pals, to me it's all about results and what we're hearing from parents.
Our school may be a bit different in that the principal about two years ago made a commitment to communicating with the web. Lunch menus, forms, schedules, more -- all those are only available on the web. Not PTO stuff -- school stuff.
Result has been that 99% of parents have email on record and parents were used to web/email as virtually required habit before parent group went full bore. Because of the principal's actions, our school is likely ahead of the curve on parents being used to checking email.
Labor-wise and cost-wise (no paper, no collating, no getting to teachers and having teachers pass out), it's a huge difference. Has allowed us to do more communicating. And -- perhaps to your point -- we try to be very careful and personal. Email doesn't have to be as cold as it sometimes sounds when not used really well. It'll never be me driving over to someone's house and shaking their hand, but.... (the downside of the all-personal approach is that it often winds up with a parent group only connecting with those who are available personally).
PTO Manager helps us leader-types to email selected groups with more personal messages.
I think email is significantly more accepted/common today than it was three years ago and will be even moreso next year and the year after.
I hear your concern (and it is a downside to be watched out for if your email becomes very rote and impersonal), but I can say with big-time confidence that email has helped us grow involvement and that parents feel like communication is better these days.