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need letter on why to get involved

17 years 7 months ago #134299 by PresidentJim
Here's the one that I put togather using the info from PTOtoday and a few others. Some places it may be specific to my school, but I'm sure you can change that if needed:

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome each of you and your families to the (school name) Elementary School. As the PTO President it is my responsibility to talk with you about getting involved in the school. But first, since this may be the first time at (school name) for many of you, I think that it is important to explain what the (school name) PTO is all about.

It is important to note that come September you will automatically become a member of the (school name) PTO. In fact, all parents or guardians of children attending (school name), as well as each member of the professional staff, are members of the Parent Teacher Organization and are encouraged to participate in it’s activities.

The active members of the committee consist of both parents and teachers who volunteer their time to enhance the educational experience of every child in our school. We are an independent organization and we do not belong to any state or national affiliation, or support any political platforms. Because we are a PTO we keep all of the funds that we raise for our school rather than sending money for state and/or national dues or fees.

The (school name) Elementary School PTO's mission is to promote open communication and understanding between parents and staff of the (school name) Elementary School. Our dedication is to enhance and maximize the education of every child while aiding them in achieving their highest potential.

To meet this extremely important goal the organization actively fundraises through various ongoing and event specific programs and activities. These funds enable us to offer many varied programs and projects, all for the betterment of the students' education. Some examples include the reading Incentive Program, Enrichment Programs - including Field Trips and in-school invited events, Field Day, the new "Playground of Dreams" and many, many more. But as you can imagine, to meet all of the goals that we have, we need ACTIVE participation.

This is where you can come in...

Now I truly understand how daunting volunteering can be. Questions such as:

"How much time are we talking about here?", "Will I be required to take on event or committee responsibilities?", or something as simple as, "What exactly is required of me?", are all very normal.

And I am here to assure you that as long as I am the President I will never force anyone to dedicate more time than they are willing, or to be coerced into any undertaking that they are not comfortable with. ANY time that ANY individual is willing to offer is more valuable than I can relate! To give you an example of how important the committee feels your valuable participation is, we have gone out of our way to prevent the need of dues, such as the majority of other PTA and PTO groups require. We also understand that in today's world it is increasingly more difficult to be able to find time to give, even such as one to two hours once a month, which is how often the committee meets. This year we've been able to start offering school age childcare services during the meetings by working with the outreach program at whatever College, and we hope to maintain this affiliation next year.

The funny thing is that most people think of parent groups as being all about bake sales. Or they think of power-tripping moms ruling their domain, like Desperate Housewives or Harper Valley PTA. Well, that's good TV, but it's not us.

We are about men and women working together toward a common goal. That goal simply stated is creating a better school and a better educational experience for our children. We strive to create an atmosphere where both teachers and administrators can do their best work - and so can our children.

There's so much more that can be accomplished, and we need your help. Despite what you see on TV, our parent group is not a bunch of crazed, power-hungry moms (or dads). We are moms and dads, uncles and aunts, grandparents, and friends who care about children and education. We are welcoming and friendly. We are your neighbors, and we share many of the same concerns that you do.

But that's not the only reason to become active. There have been more than 500 independent studies about parent involvement. The results are startling. When parents get involved in their children's education, grades go up, test scores go up, children become more likely to pass and to attend better schools after high school, they have fewer discipline problems, and they're less likely to use drugs and alcohol.

Volunteering doesn't mean a huge time commitment. And whatever your time schedule and interests we have need of you. We have tasks that can be performed in the evenings, during the day, or that don't even involve coming to the school at all.

Won't you join us? I invite you to take a look at the (school name) PTO website to get a feel for all that we do, at http://(school name) . Then come September just come on out to a PTO meeting or give me a call or send me an e-mail. Becoming active is really easy - and it really makes a difference!

I then sign it, put "PTO President" under my name with the school's address, my home phone and e-mail.

Hope this helps,
17 years 7 months ago - 11 years 8 months ago #134277 by Rockne
Hey EV -

A couple of great "why get involved" resources over at . Feel free to repurpose (but please give credit to the site).

RE: the bulletin boards -- there's a template for a lightning bolt board at


PTO Today Founder
17 years 7 months ago #134276 by EVPTO
Has anyone taken the information off of this site or any other information stating the benefits of involvement and put it into a letter? I would like to give the parents a handout stating the benefits of volunteering and being involved with the school just in case they didn't know. :D I was wondering if anyone had this done already and could provide me with a copy?

Also, I would like to do a bulletin board tracking those parents who have donated their 2 hours. Has anyone done this with some catchy slogan? I thought I'd seen suggestions but can't find them now. :confused:


What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.<br />
<br> - John Ruskin
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