We have the same type of walls in our school. Regular (scotch) tape doesn't work, but masking tape does! A bonus is that it doesn't leave any residue and is easier to remove.
<font size=""2"">If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain - Maya Angelou</font><br />
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<br>Life is an adventure - Seize each moment and make it your own!
OUr school purchased these tracks that were bolted into the cinder block walls. They work great and you don't need to take the risk of using tape or other sticky substances to hang the priceless pieces of artwork!
Inside the track, there are movable pieces. You take the piece and slide it into the track so the top edge is fully inside the track. Move the piece slightly to the right or left and these pieces move into place. When you let go, they are holding the artwork. To remove the piece, you simply tug and it easily comes out. Its a GREAT invention because the pieces don't fall out at all, the artwork is not damaged and you can easily remove what you place in there.
Try a office supply store catalog or a arts & crafts store.
The teachers at our school had asked for a way that they could hang art work on the walls. We have cinder block type walls inside the school. Tape does not work and the janitor does not like them to use hot glue, because it takes the paint off the walls. Is there another product out there that would help the teachers get their art to stick on the walls?