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Question about a parent owing money wanting to run for executive board

17 years 8 months ago #133797 by ademom74
Good riddance. If she caused this much drama BEFORE taking a board position, your next year would have been a nightmare.
I know that my opinion flys in the face of much of what is written here. I respect all those who give advice in good faith but sometimes people are not morally sound and not ethical and not trustworthy. That is just the way it is. To encourage this person, who truly demonstrates a lack of fiduciary responsibility, to take on a position of authority within a PTO who would be like shooting yourself in the foot. Again, IMHO.
And please don't bash me for my's just that, my opinion.
17 years 8 months ago #133796 by ptogrrl
Wow! Just read the whole thread. Sounds like it worked out for the best. I would have been very concerned as well about this person's integrity and ability to lead an organization, and less concerned about her "right" to run. I'm glad someone got in and approached her directly and just asked her to pay up. She may be hurt but it was a good lesson for her and for everyone involved.
17 years 8 months ago #133629 by OhioPTOmom1971

DawnM;133293 wrote: I understand that being rich is not a criteria for being a board member. I just don't think it's right that she owes money to the PTO from a check she bounced. (this was a pre-paid fundraiser where you collected from people you sold to and then turned it in at that time)

So she collected the money and spent it instead of giving it to the PTO? No, I would not want a dishonest person on the board. This isn't about simply bouncing a check. To be honest, I consider it theft. :confused:
17 years 8 months ago #133428 by DawnM
okay this is what happened....

I just wanted to clear some things up: I am not running against her. I do not have time to do the PTO exec board thing. I just volunteer ALOT. I attend all the PTO meetings and I am very close friends with the Treasurer . Anyway, I was asking what ballets were turned in for people running and she told me (and all that was going on) I just thought this was crazy.
The treasurer ended up going to the Principal about this persons balance and they wrote a letter to her about it. She came in I guess this morning and paid in full and told the Principal that she didn't want any part of the PTO because she felt like they were singling her out because she wanted to run. The Principal explained to her that this was a bill that the school actually paid on her behalf because she bounced a check. Money that she collected from her friends and family before they even got their product.
I guess whoever gets in will just have to change the bylaws. I forgot to add that the principal encouraged her to run and she still refused.
Thanks for all your help
17 years 8 months ago #133382 by tskreczmer
I think this is more of a question of whether she will make a good officer. If one upsets the rest..then nothing will get done on the board.

Money is a just part of the problem...

However the rest are right..if she wins..she wins...

I would however re-write your by-laws if this is a sticky matter with your school for the upcoming years.

However..this is my personal opinion...I have NEVER bounced a check to the school. My child's education is the most important thing to our family.

Fiscal responsibility is something that is very important to an organization. We have had an officer who was very bad with money..and it created a LOT of problems. Especially as she was President(luckily for the school she resigned-though as a person she was not so bad)

No one ganged up on anyone..they are just giving another side to this problem. As I am givng one too!

I hope it turns out well for your school..please let us all know.
17 years 8 months ago #133371 by pals
Dawn I don't think anyone was trying to bash you just answer you based on what facts you gave, even according to your bylaws there is no written reason why this lady can not run for a position. I can understand that you are uspet with the money issue and that does need to be addressed by the president and even principal.

The other part that you seem upset with is that she has only been to two meetings and you mentioned she is not a volunteer, that worries me that there may be some personal feelings there, are you running against her? Every parent should have that right whether they have always been very active or not, it is up to the trust of your members to vote on who they want.

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