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Parent Survey

17 years 8 months ago #133743 by deserae
Replied by deserae on topic RE: Parent Survey
Why not have the survey on the table with the rest of your PTO information at Open House if you have one. Parents can fill it out and leave it right there. Maybe have a drop box if you feel they would want anonymity. This way if they have questions some one is right there to answer them.
17 years 8 months ago #133537 by PTOMOM70
Replied by PTOMOM70 on topic RE: Parent Survey
We had a problem with parent involment at our monthly meetings a few years ago, still not great - but better. We did a survey and found out that the parents wanted meetings with childcare, in the early evening 6:30 to 8:00 and on Tuesday nights. After we started this we went from a 2-3 parent meeting to about a 20 parents - on a regular basis. With about 50 parents/teachers at the first and last meetings of the year.
So, my suggestion is do the survey in September(save the money on postage) and make it very specific, but, only specific to things that you can really do. Don't leave it open ended.

Take Care,
17 years 8 months ago #133495 by PMCW
Replied by PMCW on topic RE: Parent Survey
I did an extensive survey a few years ago when I was PTO president. I felt like the survey had to get directly into the parents' hands so we mailed the surveys home (my kids often forget to give me things). We also included an envelope with the survey so they could mail them back. I think we received almost 40% of them back, which was pretty good.

I asked the same thing--about when is a good time for a meeting. People had complained we didn't have night meetings. Well, we then changed and had some night meetings and no one came so we gave that up.

Like someone said, it doesn't really matter how many come to your meetings as long as you get decent participation and I agree. One thing I learned as PTO president, you have to ASK for help (like in a phone call). Don't expect to send out a sign-up sheet and get it filled. I found that most people would agree to help when asked specifically, but few would sign up. Keep that in mind!

Good luck!
17 years 8 months ago #133494 by volunteermomo3
Replied by volunteermomo3 on topic RE: Parent Survey
I sent out end of year survey to teachers and PTO parents. I did this through email on the surveymonkey website. It organized all the responses for me. Very easy!! You can send out 100 email survey for free.

I loved it!
17 years 8 months ago #133205 by jewelz
Replied by jewelz on topic RE: Parent Survey
We sent out a parent survey before school let out and recieved 24 out of 230. We had a drawing for a free pizza for the ones that returned.

Had parents cirlcle what they would like to see funds raised for next year:
Technology Music Library Fun Nights Playground Assemblies

If they attended any meetings

Why they did not attend meetings: babysitting work other

If they attended any Family Fun Nights:

Any ideas for these nights, or had any ideas to make them better

Contact info if they would like to help.

I have to say that almost all of them had a generic You guys do a good job! (not that I wasn't happy to hear it) And only a couple had ideas to grow from.
I used this website to help get our survey started, and them customized to fit our PTO.
Hope it helps!
17 years 8 months ago #133204 by PTOMOM70
Replied by PTOMOM70 on topic RE: Parent Survey
I am taking over as PTO president next year. I just sent a survey 1. What do you think the focus of PTO should be next year.
2. Do you have enough information about PTO.
3. How can you get more involved with PTO/School.
4. What would you like to see from the PTO
5. How can PTO support the PTO and the school?

I only got 20 back out 325. But at least I tried and put the information out there and gave them the opprotunity to respond.

I have found that a personal invitiation to get involved is the only way to get more people involved.
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