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parent survey ideas

17 years 10 months ago #130827 by Jeff Van Fleet
Here is one we did this year that worked very well:
Dear T.R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge Parents,

As T.R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge parents we are ALL members of our PTLO. This note will explain what we plan to do and how you can get involved.

What does the T.R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge PTLO DO?
The PTLO is authorized by the T.R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge Board of Directors to help support the efforts of the school by working together with the school administration to provide for needs of the school. PTLO families can volunteer in the classrooms, helping with specials; supervise field trips; organize assemblies, raise funds, field day, contribute to classroom parties, copy, cut and paste; mend and sew; plant, tape and paint; and many other things. We hope to do all this and so much more. Parental involvement enhances academic performance. Plus, it’s rewarding and fun! There will be many ways to participate. Soon we will have committee openings and volunteer opportunities for a variety of events. Keep in mind that as a parent of a school age child you most likely have the skills to do many of the volunteer jobs at T.R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge. Our volunteers are a big part of what makes our school so great.

PTLO Meetings - Everyone is welcome!
Another function of our PTLO is to provide a forum through our monthly meetings for communication between parents and T.R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge staff to provide extra support and funds for the school. Our meetings will be a good occasion to find out what’s going on at the school, as well as present any ideas you may have to share. The PTLO will help align the resources of our parents with the needs of the school. Our first meeting will be held on February 22nd at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria. Childcare will NOT be available at this first meeting, please make other arrangements. Our goal will be to keep the meetings friendly, informative and short – usually 1 hour.

PTLO Communication
If you are unable to attend the monthly meetings, we will still be there via phone or email for your ideas and volunteer efforts. We are working on a website where answers will be found and information can be shared. We will post information such as upcoming events, meeting minutes and treasurer reports. You are also encouraged to call or email anyone on the PTLO board at anytime with PTLO questions or ideas for activities.

We want to know ideas that you feel will help our organization help the school. Please take a few moments and fill out the survey on the back of this form. Your feedback will help us get started in the right direction.

Through our fundraising efforts we will be able to enhance our children’s learning experience in a variety of ways – academic materials, books, classroom supplies, assemblies, playground equipment, field trip subsidies, bus transportation, and more. Recognizing the different interests of T.R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge families, we will be involved in a number of different fundraising opportunities. Participate in those that you’re interested in or able to; or you may choose to simply write a check payable to PTLO of the Academy of Arts and Knowledge, if finances allow. We appreciate your support.

We are looking forward to a great year at T.R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge. We hope to see many of you at our upcoming meetings and events and we invite you to call or e-mail us with any questions.

Thank You,
Jeff Van Fleet President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
DJ Anderson Vice-President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Arnie Helsing Treasurer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ellen Brey Secretary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Parent Survey
What area is most important in your opinion for the PTLO to address support?
a. Educational needs
b. Volunteer organization / coordination
c. School Improvements (exterior, interior, playground)
d. Classroom parties
e. Field trips & programs
f. Arts, theatre, music supplies
f. Other

The PTLO Board is committed to utilize our funds raised to best meet the needs of the school.

What suggestions do you have for fundraisers?

In order for you to be involved, what day(s) is best for you to attend PTLO meetings?
a. Monday d. Thursday g. Sunday
b. Tuesday e. Friday
c. Wednesday f. Saturday
What time(s) is best?
a. mornings
b. afternoons
c. during school hours
d. after school hours
e. evenings

What Committees would you be interested in serving on?
(NOTE: All volunteers working the school must sign up through the front desk secretary)
a. Teacher / classroom assistance & support g. Guest speakers l. Lunchroom
b. Volunteer coordination h. Field trips m. Picture Day
c. Parties & programs i. School store (uniforms) n. Other
d. Fundraisers j. New family welcome
e. Staff Funshine Club k. Lunchroom

The success of T.R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge PTLO will be dependent upon people who are enthusiastic about volunteering at our school. We will have many committees that will be active at different times of the year and will require various levels of commitment.

Whatever your own level of availability, T.R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge PTLO will need your help. We always appreciate you, our parent volunteers, as do our teachers and staff. Keep in mind that by volunteering, you will get to enjoy interacting with the kids, becoming friends with other parents, and accomplishing things that truly make a difference.

So someone may contact you regarding your comments, please include the following information:

Name: _______________________ Phone #: ______________ Best time to call: ___________

Please turn this survey in at the front desk or to your student’s teacher.
17 years 10 months ago #130722 by Anne P
Replied by Anne P on topic RE: parent survey ideas
Been there! I also sent home a parent survey as a way to increase involvement. It was very simple, one side only, with answers that could just be checked off plus room to write suggestions. I asked about favorite family events, favorite fundraisers, and what projects people thought we should pursue. Out of 325 surveys, about 150 were returned. A way better response rate than I anticipated. It was empowering because even when only a few people attended the meetings, I knew what the majority of our families wanted.

The questions were phrased in a way to highlight things our pto already does, i.e.: here are the family event nights that are currently sponsored by our pto; check the ones you are most excited about and want to see continued; here are some new ideas, etc. OR, last year we purchased a digital camera, bought $1000 in new books for our library, and opened built a reading garden in our courtyard with the funds we raised; what would you like to see this year? It was a good way to promote us and also get information. I'm always amazed by how little our families know about what we do even though I feel like we always shout it from the rooftops.

The real bonus, however, came with what was included on the back side of the paper. The survey could be turned in unsigned but I also tried to collect information. I asked for basic stuff, name & phone number, and when people were available. I had asked people to sign up for email updates if they were interested. About 50 people agreed to that which has given me a whole new way to share information. Then I had 3 categories for volunteering:
1. Yes, let me know about opportunities
2. Yes, but I can only help from home, or after regular work hours, or only if you need something specific like baked goods.
3. No, I can't help at this time (which is perfectly ok!)
I followed up personally with every single person that checked one of the yes boxes. So many people thanked me for contacting them, saying they had signed up for things before but no one followed through. They were even happy for the survey, saying no one had ever asked them for what they wanted. It was incredibly rewarding. Now, all of us involved in pto's know that we are always looking for parent input and we are always welcoming to new volunteers so I was surprised to hear parents say that my reaching out to them was a novel idea. I don't think that's true but I do think the survey struck the right chord. Get the info and then follow up immediately. We went from about 8 regular volunteers to about 25 regular volunteers. We also have another 30 or so parents to call on to help at particular events. The school says they've never had so many involved parents. I did this survey last year and it has carried us all through this year. I'll start off with another one in the fall.

I hope this helps! Now I wish I could turn those volunteers into leaders-- I have a lot of willing, helping hands, but only a handful who are willing to actually organize. Baby steps!!! Good luck.
17 years 10 months ago #130664 by gwsmom
parent survey ideas was created by gwsmom
Parent involvement is really slumping in our school and I want to make a survey up to find out what parents want so we can increase attendance. Any recommendations on questions to ask?
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