Since you have no provisions you cannot really stop it. I think too that the positions may be far enough away so as to not cause any issue...but you may want to consider something in your bylaws that will prohibit this from happening. Two out of seven doesn't give them majority if they want to stand alone but does give them more influence than perhaps one family should have. Don't forget too that there can be a no vote for a candidate, or rather the opportunity at the elections for not one to vote FOR them...even if it means the position goes unfilled. NOt that I'd advocate that but it is an option...d
I need advice.
We have a PTO at our elementary school. Our ballots came in to elect officers for next year.
There is a husband/wife couple who wrote in. The husband would like to run for Vice President and the wife for Volunteer Coordinator. That's 2 out of our 7 voting board positions. This couple is running "unopposed".
We do not have any provisions in our By-Laws for husband/wife officers. Would this be a conflict of interest?