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Field trip help...

17 years 11 months ago #130635 by OntheGoPTO
Replied by OntheGoPTO on topic RE: Field trip help...
In October we used to ask for the list of field trips. November, December, January, February would go by with no list. This year in September we looked at the average cost of trips over the previous three years and voted to give the school $2,000 (about $18 per student). The teachers then have all year to decide how to spend it and once it's gone, it's gone and parents have to chip in.

There are two especially costly trips - the 3rd grade 3-day overnight at an environmental camp and the 6th grade overnight at the museum of science. The class parents coordinate special fundraisers with the parents in these classes so the money is not taken from the PTO's $2000 contribution.

Our district gives almost nothing towards field trips which drives most of us CRAZY as we feel field trips are a huge part of the learning process and a great way to break up the monotony for students. But for now, PTO pays 95% of the bus fees and admissions.

Anyone have any ideas about how to get the district to understand the value of field trips? Any successes with this?
17 years 11 months ago #130626 by Mom4ever
Replied by Mom4ever on topic RE: Field trip help...
Our PTO pays for everything; buses and admission cost. We do not set a limit as to what they can spend. Our teacher's are always considerate as to where the funds come from and are careful not to go to crazy. Our 5th grade trip is the biggest and most expensive. For the last few years regardless of the cost of the trips we ask parents to pay $2.00 per student per trip. These funds are applied towards the cost of the bus - we have noticed a considerable jump with gas prices this year. If you find that you are running low on funds one idea we started a few years back - we go over our records and determine how much was spent on programs/field trips/busing - then during one of our earlier meetings we make a motion to pre-allocate these funds for these specific needs. It is calculated seperately on our treasurer's report so all can see that it is only touched when needed. This has worked great for us. Good luck.
17 years 11 months ago #130578 by diemsellers
Replied by diemsellers on topic RE: Field trip help...
we give each class (33 classes) $225 for field trips and $275 for classroom supplies. the teachers pool their money together for field trips bc it's $200 per bus.

have the teachers provide to you the costs of the trip they plan to take. if they don't have enough, they can ask the parents for money or fundraise for their class or grade level. you can do a McDonalds night and make $500 easy!
send something home like: Bake sale for our upcoming field trip! our movie night brought in $544 easy!!!

PTO can't do it all, you do what you can. My Principals say we should always challenge our parents to do more!

17 years 11 months ago #130469 by PTOCES
Replied by PTOCES on topic RE: Field trip help...
Our PTO pays for 1/2 the cost of the bus and the driver for each class. Not all classes go on trips, but they use the money at the end of the year for a social party.
17 years 11 months ago #130453 by diemsellers
Replied by diemsellers on topic RE: Field trip help...
Our PTA never pays for field trips, UNLESS there is a budget reason why we are asked. We may split the costs with the school, and the parents, but we never pay. If your school hasn't done a field trip by now, it's almost too late. Some schools book field trips far in advance.
17 years 11 months ago #130394 by Shawn
Replied by Shawn on topic RE: Field trip help...
Our schools have normally done 2 fieldtrips - each grade - the PTA/PTO always paid for one (bussing, admission, etc) and district or school paid for the other.

Now their were other circumstances (one school was 3 blocks from major California Univ- so they walked to a museum, 2 plays and 2 other fiieldtrips there- the PTA covered some of the fund that arts and music didnt)

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