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Teen Driving Safety Programs (HELP!)

17 years 5 months ago #136463 by not registered
Replied by not registered on topic RE: Teen Driving Safety Programs (HELP!)
I saw this in Fort Worth at a seminar. It was great. The teens were actually paying attention. The PTA has some sort of partnership with the insurance industry and produced this.
It does make an impact on the kids. The material is NOT for elementary kids though. The presenter was PTA and said that the discussion material and the DVD were free from either PTA or Independent Insurance Agents of Texas.
17 years 10 months ago #130297 by Shawn
It took me a couple times reading the post- but you mentioned 'during school hours' -- in my experience if it doesnt cover the A,B,C (even though these seem to cover the A,B,C's of common sense) and reading and writing due to the increased content and test done-- lots of schools, etc only allow these 'community programs' after school hours -- our PTA and council has done a homework organization, an internet safety, child safety, etc -- no way would these ever be allowed during school.. Maybe a different approach to the hours/ times the classes seminars are offered would work.

Also in our school district anyone Or group that does a seminar, inschool opresentation (ie D.A.R.E, Razzle Bam Boom ,etc ) on any school property must have $2 million in Liabilty INsurance before the group is even signed or allowed to dispense their knowledge, entertainment, etc.

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
17 years 10 months ago #130296 by not registered
Replied by not registered on topic RE: Teen Driving Safety Programs (HELP!)
the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas ( has a great program for teens called Party 101. It's a presentation for teens about underaged drinking and the consequences of it.
It's free and available to anyone who wants it. My school principal is going to have it presented at my son's school.
17 years 10 months ago #130294 by AledoBearcatMom
Just to let you know, I emailed all Auto Insurance Agents, Contacted the State Highway Patrol and have an Information Seminar on May 3. We have invited our Admin staff, school board, health committee panel, drivers ed instructor, law enforcement and fire and rescue plus all our city leaders to attend. We invited Pastors and Youth Directors as well. Come to find out our Fire and Police have been trying to get the "every 15 minutes" program into the HS before Prom/Graduation comes, but they needed $5000 and support to plan and organize this.
Due to the local paper running the meeting as a front page story, our PTO will probably sponsor the event for next year. Until then, a State Tropper, who does free community awareness power point presentations is going to come to this meeting to show our principals and staff what they offer so we can get them approved and in our schools next year.

They offer programs for ages K-12, everything from Seat Belt Safety, to "think" to drug and alcohol awareness, to one called "SMASHED" regarding unsafe teen driving.
17 years 10 months ago #130013 by AledoBearcatMom
Hi, We have recently lost 3 teens, in our local community, in two recent accidents, in the past 30 days, due to unsafe driving. (Aledo, TX)

PTO is sponsoring an Information Seminar with Power Point Presentation by a State Hwy. Patrol Trooper whose specialty is educational programs geared at any and all age groups. We have support from Local churches and the newspaper. We are inviting School board, Teachers, Parents, Community Leaders and Officials and Fire & Rescue & EMT and Law Enforcement (local) and Car Insurance companies and other business leaders to come. (really it is open to the public in general)

We are running up against "Red Tape" and need to know what you have done to get these FREE safety programs, especially those targeted toward Teen Driving, inside the school doors during school hours.

If you have any ideas, please respond! Unfortunately, I've been told by our local Fire Cheif, that they have approached our School Board in the past and for unknown reasons, these programs are not being welcomed.
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