There are a number of Spirit Wear vendors in our Yellow Pages. If you're looking to compare pricing and services (for this or a whole number of other vendor categories), it's a great place to start:
You get what you pay for. For $0.88 for a shirt I'd seriously question the quality of the piece and would require samples first. We order shirts for field day in bulk (nearly 700) and with one-color printing are still around $2.50 each.
I'd say go for it. Careful calling it a 'side' business, though. Either you're in business or you are not, and if you are good at this, you will get as much business as you'd care to handle.
Also, careful looking at the least costly things only. Compare the 88 cent things to more expensive things available to you and get a sense of value.
And if you are setting up as a printer or embroiderer, look beyond schools -- businesses are probably a much bigger market, even if you get just a few clients to hold you over between school campaigns.
Sorry, spirit-wear, but I'll always go local first as long as there is a reputable company who backs up their work. (Thanks for sponsoring though!)
If you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down. <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
18 years 3 months ago#116985by <spirit-wear>
It is interesting to think that you can take up selling or printing spirit-wear as a part-time job. I wish you luck, but we take the Spirit-Wear business very seriously. In fact, our business prospers because very often we will get customers who have used a company that may be a more local or perhaps slightly less expensive, but the entire order is a disaster. The few dollar savings or convenience do not even come close to compensating for the frustration levels that result when mistakes are made. There is an incredible amount of detail involved with every spirit-wear order. Unless the vendor has significant experience with these types of Programs, the customer inevitably suffers the consequences.
I think if you can get this up and going it would be wonderful. Our PTO is using a teachers parents who run alittle side business of things like t shirts, duffel bags, window clings, yard sign, computer mouses,license plate covers. We are so excited to get the different type things besides the usual shirts--I know we will keep him very busy within the next month and he should make a good amount off this sale. Good luck!!
We usually try to sell T's every year. Each year we have a new design. This year we went a little further and did window clings, fleece blankets, totes, duffle bags and denim shirts. Everything was well received. Prices for T's were $11 (they were tie dye so more $), the most expensive things were the denim shirts and I think those were $30