I Love you guys, you're always there for me and know just what to say! Thank you everybody. I'll let you know what happens in the future, for the time being I'm just gonna lay low.
I feel the best thing you can do is hold your head high. If you are carring these "blues" with you to school and events it may come across that you are ashamed of something you did. Be proud that you did the best you could under the circumstances. I know it feels terrible now becuase it is still fresh, but just like high school, people will move on and forget about it.
And- Listen to your husbands advice. Men can sometimes see more clearly in these situations because they tend to not get as emotional.
Hang in there!!!
18 years 4 months ago#116888by <communicate>
by the way, having someone 'fill you in' is meaningless rumor. you wont know if its the true reason buecaues hearsay never is.
thats the other reason you have to talk directly to the people who have volunteer work to offer, but arent letting you do it, dont listen to the rumors you MIGHT hear, approach the people and talk.
besides they might be very surprised to konw you are so energetic and willing to help!! they might not even be aware. you just never know what they know or dont know, about your availablity and willingness. they too have probably listened to rumor and have believed it, thinking you dont wnat to help, or who knows what. anyway, dismiss with hearsay stuff and go talk to the principal first and parent group next. it might be the start of your best yr ever.
they will appreciate your sincerity and openness. everyone needs volunteers like that!!
18 years 4 months ago#116887by <communicate>
why wait for someone to 'fill you in' , be proactive, speak about your concern with the principal, and then with the parnets who you think are not letting you help. they have to let you help out at school, at least, the principal does.
discuss face to face with your wish to help, and ask waht yuo can do to remian involved.
if there is a real effort to exclude you, you will konw by talking to them.stop wondering about the whys and what did i dos, and go set up a freindly meeting over coffee, with one person, and then the other , and the other, and see what they have to offer. there is ALWYAS help needed at school.
and if they are playing the click thing, and dont WANT your help, it will be obvious. but you have to talk to people, cant do it on phone or by email. has to be face to face. good luck!!!!
Kelgf - I feel & can deeply relate to your pain. I do however hold hope that there is someone who in time, maybe not today or this month, you will come across that will share with you what they know of the situation. There may need to be a cooling off period but it will happen. Continue to hold steady.
<font size=""1"">We must overcome the notion that we must be regular...it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to do the mediocre."</font> (Uta Hagen)</font></font><br /><br> <br /><br>"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments...
18 years 4 months ago#116885by <communicate>
youre being excluded by your peers, sounds like. a hallmark of female clique behaviour. are those the kind of people you really want to work with?
consider volunteer in the community, at the public library, parks, senior centers etc shcool is not the only place to contibute to society, many places desperatly ned volunteer and there are many places youcan offer your time, sometimes with kids/after schooltime if thats your goal.
its also a way to meet other people too.