Definitely check your by-laws. They should be following them. You usually need 2/3 votes, if not then it would have to be tabled for voting on until there is enough members to make up a 2/3 vote. Again it should be outlined the by-laws. Good luck.
Originally posted by wkp: The officers apparently were chosen last year. Is there a way to overrule this if we have the majority? Can they make decision without majority?
You'll have to check the bylaws. Your bylaws should have the procedure for removal of an officer, if such provisions were made. In our group, an officer can only be removed by a majority vote of the rest of the board, and only under special circumstances. RE: decision making- this too should be covered in your bylaws. I've never read bylaws that allow the board to make decisions for the group.(other than small purchases-ie. stamps, etc. We have a cap, petty cash style, on how much money can be spent w/out majority vote of the general membership.) Know your bylaws-they can be your best friend if there is a problem.
They have $8,000 in "carry-over" money from last year and won't spend it. Please offer some advice??... [/QUOTE]
Is there a special project that this money is being earmarked for? Do they generally use "carry-over" for general operation? Don't really know enough to be of much help.
Our PTSO (which I guess is under the PTO umbrella?) has become a very negative group within our school. The officers make decision without majority and have completely alienated the teachers. The gap has become HUGE and is getting worse. I want to help bridge this and bring our PTSO back to where it once was. Where do I start? The officers apparently were chosen last year. Is there a way to overrule this if we have the majority? Can they make decision without majority? They have $8,000 in "carry-over" money from last year and won't spend it. Please offer some advice??...