We just got started as a PTO last year. All of us were new to PTO/ PTA and we've made some mistakes as we learned.
The BIGGEST lesson I have learned is that we need to have an agenda before every meeting and we need to follow that agenda. Last year we would sit down have a meeting and flit from topic to topic. I'm not sure how our secretary kept track of the minutes. Hmm, maybe that is why she quit 3-4 meetings into the year??? No one was really chairing our meetings last year, we were just flying by the seat of our pants and I can see now that we wasted a LOT of time.
I'm looking for a copy of Robert's Rules right now.
You can see most of my materials on my website
I think the best place for you to start is by examining your current bylaws and rules of operation. Find out what your group's official mission is. Then figure out how increasing parental involvement fits in to your mission.
As a new PTO our main goal is increasing parental involvement so I think you will find some ideas on my website. With this goal in mind we are having an ice cream social which will be free to all those who join the PTO. This is our membership drive kick off meeting. On my research trip to Smart and Final I estimated that our expenses would be about $100 for ice cream and toppings to serve 150-200 people.
We will have membership forms at the meeting as well as survey forms to try and get input from the parents. Right now our tenative schedule for general meetings is:
September 26- Ice Cream Social & Membership Drive
November 28- possible Family Night Activity
January 30- possible Family Night Activity
February 27- possible Family Night Activity
April 24- Planning 2007-8 Calendar
May 29- Elections
As you can see, we want to get the parents out and involved more than anything else right now!!! Good luck with this and keep checking the PTO website. As I get things perfected, they will go online!