and put somekind of contact info on every school and PTA/PTO newsletter/forms....
4th day of new school -- school website, PTA website, council PTA website, wed packet announcement (PTA membership starts 30 Aug) BUT I CANT CONTACT ANYONE No COntact INFO -- office said "Oh they'll be sending something out-- He#% I'll be busy by then....
<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
Whoa - I wonder if my head will still fit thru the door after those nice compliments. It's not so much smart as it is just having been at LOTS of events and dones some of this stuff over and over.
I've had lot's of "duh!" moments when I wondered what on earth I was thinking at the time to arranged something a not-so-smart way. But I learn from each experience and am always pleased to be part of a community like this forum where we all are willing to share.
JHB - as long as I live I don't think I'll ever be as smart as you. I'm just happy to be smart enough to learn from you! Your volunteer form is an excellent plan.
Maybe some day, if I'm really lucky, I'll even make it to The Land of JHB.....
We generally found it helpful to have a volunteer FORM that each person would complete. The form collected all contact info (including children's names/ages) and had different areas for which they could volunteer - some quite general, some very specific.
The volunteer table was where PTO staff could answer questions and promote the idea of volunteering.
But if you prefer a signup table and want to keep traffic moving, what about creating a festive volunteer flyer with all the descriptions?
Have some PTO folks mingling with the crowd to answer questions. People can mull over the options without having to be planted in front of the table, and then just direct people to the table for signup.
I like the suggestion having someone man a table that knows about the event and have your sign up sheet there. Our school sends communication packets home to parents twice a month. Every year in the first packet we send home a letter to the parents about our goals and needs for the upcoming year. We include a sign up sheet with all the committees listed and ask parents to at least volunteer for two committees. Attached to this sign up sheet is a form that describes each committee, who the chair person is, and either the exact date or approximate date to aid in their planning. Knowing the date is a great bonus for working parents. We then ask the forms to be returned to school and our volunteer chairperson collects the data and forwards to the proper chairperson. The chairperson is to contact ALL volunteers on his/her list to introduce themselves and answer any questions the volunteer may have.