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Movie Night Suggestions - never been done before!

18 years 6 months ago #116408 by Rockne
Hey chatrbug -

Common misconception, one that is covered in detail in the movie night kit at

Basically, you just need a public performance license, and the kit actually offers a discounted license for one-time use ($75).

But a couple of things about your teachers: 1. There is a fair use/academic exception that allows teachers to show movies/clips in class if it's part of the curriculum (not recess babysitter). 2. For not too much more than the $75 (maybe $300?), you can get a license that covers your whole school (including movie nights) for the year.

Again, that's all covered in the kit.

Good luck,


PTO Today Founder
18 years 6 months ago #116407 by chatrbug
how do you get past the legal parts? we dont show any movies because of the copyrights..if you read the first part of the movie it will tell you that it is illegal to show the movie in a group, and it is illegal to have them pay to watch it, unless you have copyrights. they dont even show them in the classrooms due to this.
18 years 6 months ago #116406 by TreasurerMom
Hi Brenda,

We had to limit the number of tickets due to space constraints. To avoid people reserving tickets and then not using them, we decided to charge $1 per ticket. Then each ticket could be turned in for a free popcorn and drink (juice box or bottled water). We limited it to about 225 tickets.

We had said no walk-ins, but there were a few people who did not read the note and were standing there with their kids, so we let them in.

We had it in the gym/cafeteria. The music room is on the stage, so we opened up the stage doors and put the screen up on the stage. We covered the gym doors (w/glass windows) with heavy craft paper to block the lights from the hallway.

We bought a selection of candy, and had popcorn, bagged snacks, juice pouches and water. We sold sold them to make a small profit - mostly just covered cost.

We made sure we showed a G rated movie (Chicken Little) Even them some of the smaller kids were scared. This year we plan to do more movie nights, so maybe we will alternate little kids/big kids movies.
18 years 6 months ago #116405 by <SHC>
I put on our first movie night last year and it was soooo easy (compared to Family Game Night which I also planned). We showed "Sky High" which was cute. Our turnout wasn't as good as expected because we declared that it was for grades 5-8 (we're a K3-8th) and really the younger kids (siblings) were more excited about it so this year we're making it 1st-8th, I think. We're having it right before the Christmas season, showing some Christmas movie and serving hot chocolate, popcorn and Christmas cookies. Should be fun!
18 years 6 months ago #116404 by me_n_rory
Hey Brenda,
We do Movie night every year, its alot of fun! We don't do it for the whole school, we do it for grades K-3, and have other programs for the upper grades like Karoke night or a dance. We do it as a movie and pajama night. Parents and kids come in their pj's with a sleeping bag and favorite stuffed animal. Every child gets a goodie bag with a drink, some candy and dollar store goodie plus this year we were able to get a local movie theatre to donate a "buy one get one free" ticket that we also placed in the goodie bag. Popcorn is free flowing. The kids stop watching the move half way thru and its "controlled chaos" and we have a big mess at the end of the night! BUT IT IS A BLAST! It is the most requested "family" activity we plan. We have tried to pick movies that are older since there is a good chance the kids havent seen them yet, and the parents can wax nostalgic, like the original "Herbie the Love Bug" or "Charlie and the Choclate Factory. Go for it! Its a great time for everyone!
18 years 6 months ago #116403 by Rockne
Yes, they'll all be in the mail this week or next. Several of the kits were back in production because of demand, but all 4 should be caught up on fulfillment by the end of next week. Most are all caught up as of this morning. Family Science Night, I believe, is the last remaining list to be completed.


PTO Today Founder
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