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Should board members get incentives?

18 years 6 months ago #115884 by mattibug
Replied by mattibug on topic RE: Should board members get incentives?
We are also attempting the incentive route. We don't do a drawing, but we do offer a gift certificate to the local grocery store or the local dept. store for a minimun of two hours of help - any kind of help. We're hoping the gift certs. won't cost us much and we can talk the local stores into donating them to us. Also, since the school pics are taken during the day, and we can never get enough coverage, the photo co. has agreed to give any volunteer a basic photo package ($40.00) value for two hours of their time. I'll be checking with the other fundraising co. we do business with to see what incentives they can give us so that we can offer them to new volunteers. I'll let you know how it goes.
18 years 6 months ago #115883 by Shawn

Originally posted by dlf:
Have you walked into your school feeling like you are a part of it...?
Have your children passed you in the hallway smiling at you as they walked past...?
Have they ever said "Mary (so and so) asked if you work here and I said "yes"...
Or perhaps you find that your children (event oncein a while) have the administration smile upon them)...

Common--there is always something WE receive from being there...even if the school has nothing to do with it...we get to hear our kids recognize a "I saw you today in the halls"...and we get to smile quietly and never, EVER, say...

too many kids didn't feel their parents today...

don't you smile..just a bit ...


or at the Mall, Disneyland, the local park, the grocery store. "Hey, there's Madison dad" or "Whens the next gameclub?"

If perks work for Parents and teachers, then if agreed by board why not try it. (just 'cuz your a board member shouldnt disclude u -- you are a parent also)
Mine is being recognized by the students and hopefully that doesnt embarrass the parent (or maybe it does and they'll -- remember the CA law that mandates employers have to give 40 hrs per yr for parents 2 volunteer at their childs school (although its unpaid, personal day, etc))

[ 08-09-2006, 12:32 AM: Message edited by: Shawn ]

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
18 years 6 months ago #115882 by &lt;DaytonOHMom&gt;
Replied by &lt;DaytonOHMom&gt; on topic RE: Should board members get incentives?
We've done something similar, but instead of certificates, etc. for the parents that volunteer, we give perks to the children of the parents that volunteer.

Lunch with parent, Out of uniform days, etc... It gets the kids talking and then the other kids want their parents to get involved.

I had a kindergartener complain to me last year on an out of uniform day, "I begged and begged my mom to come to the presentation, I'm so sad she had to work"

We had a lot more success with this approach tan with bigger incentives for adults. We tried giving away old Playstations with Lightspan Playstation games a few years ago, we gave away five the entire year. We did an Out of uniform day for a Black History presentation in the middle of the day and 80% of the students had Out of uniform tickets for the following Friday.
18 years 7 months ago #115881 by njmom
dlf - As usual you've hit the nail on the head! [img]smile.gif[/img]

I think that board members and other active parents get more than they give to their children's schools. I know I do! I think that teachers who put in 'extra time' should be eligible for the perks but I personally would not put my name in for a volunteer drawing. Our groups have enough touble getting volunteers without parents thinking that board members (or their children) get more than other families. My perk is knowing that I've made a small difference in my child's school.
18 years 7 months ago #115880 by writermom
Thanks for the input everyone! I agree with all of you. I don't think I am lacking in common sense and ethics. Being a new president, I want to make sure that what I believe and what I am doing is on par with those who have done all this before. You guys confirmed what I already believed, and I appreciate it.
18 years 7 months ago #115879 by Serendipity
As for the "PERKS" of the job...dlf got what I meant. Because I have been very involved and a board member I have a personal and friendly relationship with the principal and all the staff including my child's teacher. I am always welcome in the school and I know just about everything that goes on there. I know all the children and they know me. I am rewarded by their hugs & smiles and kind words. I am rewarded because my child always knows I am there and she feels special because of it. I would much rather have this then a certificate. Perhaps some of you do not have good relationships with your principal and staff as that certainly exists, but in most schools the Parent group has a great relationship with the Principal and Staff and these to me are the most valuable perks.
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