We have had our website (through orgsites) up and running for a full year now. Last school year we received over 3500 hits. We posted everything there is to know that is going on, including meeting minutes, box tops contest results, etc... It is updated every week, it sounds like a lot of work, however once you have the basic information there, updating takes just a short amount of time and can be done at any time of the day (or night).
We also have a list of emails that we send meeting reminders and upcoming event reminders (and plea for volunteers) to. Our district has put a link from their site to ours and we did the same. (We have 3 schools under one district and we are the parent group for the entire district).
Sure we still send things "via backpack" but I think the website gives another communciation level for the parents, when the kids are in bed or they are "surfing the web" anyway, they can spend a few minutes and get up to date. Let's face it not all parents receive those items from the backpacks, especially middle schoolers.
I am not saying that will increase your volunteer numbers, but it sure couldnt hurt. Through orgsites the site is totally free and very easy to set up and maintain. I had no idea what I was doing and it just walks you right through it. Our site is
if you want to check it out, but please keep in mind that we are in the process of getting things set up for the upcoming year so it doesnt look like it will come August!
Just wanted to put my 2 cents in...