You know the first line of our welcome letter is "You don't have to volunteer". Hopefully that gets folks feeling off the hook...and when folks apologize I ALWAYS tell them if everyone just does what they can we'll be good to go. Whether that is full time volunteering, donating some sort of baked good when needed or even just attending one of our events. Everyone has several options as to what community they want to be a part of, school, work, church...our goal is to make this one of their choices and to recognize that their support of us, supports their kids....
I always tell folks that our organization is designed to bring together the significant abilities of our parents to compliment the significant abilities of our teachers and staff in order to create a community of support that will foster our children's educational experience. Our group has 4 "Pillars" of support
I. Morale and Spirit
II. Educational Enhancements
III. Facilities Maintenance and Future Upgrades
IV. Community Support.
Then each of our activities falls under one of those headings....
PTO=Parent Teacher Org.
We provide funding for assemblies, fun nights, classroom supplies... list whatever your PTO does for the school, teachers, and students.
Even take your mission statement from your by-lwas and add that. Hope this hepled some. Good luck.
I am working on a welcome packet for back to school and would like a basic definition of "what is PTO?" I thought this would be a good start, and maybe people who run when they hear PTO would get a better understanding.
Thanks! :confused: