My son's kindergarten teacher had a bear she sent home that was similar to the frog idea from GaMom. In first grade, he took home a bear as well (our mascot), but this time they, my son and the bear, had to make up a story to share with the class. This was done over the weekend. They were working on handwriting skills, story writing skills (beg., mid., end), and reading skills. I loved it (as some of you know, I'm a first grade teacher, too).
Our first grade also does the Flat Stanley project and we have the best time mapping out where our flat kids go. This year I'm hoping to extend our project by teaming up with a first grade class in St. Cloud, Minnesota (we're in St.Cloud, FL so I thought the kids would get a kick out of it). Anybody know some teachers there? [img]smile.gif[/img]
We did something similar to this in 1st grade. Our teacher had a frog and each weekend the "student of the week" took the frog home and wrote about the things they did. I was room mom and couldn't wait for my child to get the frog! The weekend he finally got him, he forgot about it, and the frog stayed in the bookbag (in the car!!!!) all weekend!! Being room mom has priveledges though, we got to take him home again.
Yes, I guess! lol
But after thinking it over, maybe it would be better to know where our mascot would be going, and more likely to get it back. Will have to discuss this with our group, try to get some teachers on board.
<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
Sounds a lot like the Flat Stanley project. If you type in flat stanley project in any search engine, you'll find lots of hits.
Our 3rd graders participate in this project. We have some students who had great participation and Stanley has made it to several countries around the world. The teachers who had great success usually post responses & pics which come in on their bulletin boards. It's fun to stop in and see where he's been.
Makes me think that I should devote a page on our website about the travels he makes each year. Ohhh, the ideas are coming. Gotta love stopping into read the boards.