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Questions from a new Pres

18 years 7 months ago #115373 by dlf
Replied by dlf on topic RE: Questions from a new Pres
Crew Chief--were we separated at birth or what [img]smile.gif[/img]
18 years 7 months ago #115372 by dlf
Replied by dlf on topic RE: Questions from a new Pres
Hi Amy--I suspect everyone has their own way of approaching this but here is my take. I agree that using computer management techniques makes great sense. They are transferable, emailable etc. I would say my weapon of choice in PTO matters is my trusty calendar. My first suggestion would be to put the important dates down first and then backwards plan. Once you know when bus drivers appreciation week is, you can back up and see if you're going to do something that week. Then, get together with the principal/ap and see what important dates they have and how you can compliment them. We provided snacks for the standards of learning tests so we knew when those were and backed up the planning by our boosters accordingly.
Then consider your are you going to get the word out. Start email programs or consider one of the tools on this site. Being able to reach out and touch someone is crucial with PTO information. People are more like to be a part of the team if they feel like they are a part of the team.
We have our exec meetings the same time each month and our PTO meetings each time each month. They are predictable and everyone can plan to be there. Keep a running list of those things that you want to cover using agendas. New business becomes old or closed business so you have track of things that you are doing.
Work individually with separate committees via email or smaller group meetings and get togethers and have them keep you informed when they are doing business with their committee so you can kind of know what is going on. Most of our stuff is routine enough now to where I don't need to be t here but I like it when the committees consider me an asset and invite me. If they don't, then I usually have a strong enough relationship with the committee head that I can get together with them for a "brief back" sort of thing. I will almost never make changes to the plan afterwards but with the right dialogue I can influence things at the start. Having general ideas for Nov and Dec are fine...and you can id people and get things big picture moving (maybe a cup of coffee with the holiday shop person to see what their ideas are so you can chat with the principal about them). There's a quiet line between intruding on your committees and being helpful enough to be welcome. There's also a certain amount of personal growth for your chairs that you want to encourage. This has to be fun for them or you may never see them again. Aside from a thank you note, I usually don't talk to my committee chairs about anything PTOish for a while after their event (and of course to pass on terrific comments). I will call however, and see "how things are going" and discuss non PTO things so they know that our relationship isn't just about that.

Good luck...and sorry as President your are now in a "burn out free" zone...that's why you get paid all the big bucks [img]smile.gif[/img] .

18 years 7 months ago #115371 by CrewChief
Hi Amy74! Congratulations on winning the president position. You sound excited and energetic. You will serve your group well!!!

Let me try answer your questions one at a time:

Organize Ideas - Right away go out and get a month-at-a-glance calender (3 ring binder size) so you can see the whole month at once. I throw all of the school calendar dates and known activities on it in June so I have an idea of the coming year. At the bottom of each page there should be lines for notes. I put reminders of major events for the next month on the bottom of the page so it isn't a surprise when the next month comes.

New Ideas - "Major ideas" that should be voted on by the board/members can take my group at least two months to decide on. The first time it's introduced as New Business to get a sense for interest. If there's enough, it's investigated over the month. Info is brought back to the next month's meeting under Old Business. We discuss it some more and then either vote to incorporate the idea or take another month to look into it further. "Minor Ideas" such as they affect already established committees is up to each chairman to decide how to handle things and incorporate it into their event. They can act immediately or take whatever time they need to decide.

Meeting Schedule - Our board meets monthly (as required by our bylaws) at 7pm on the first thursday of each month in the school library. This consistency helps parents remember when and where without having to always ask. The only exception is our last meeting of the year. We meet off site, usually at a local restaurant. We skip December and February. Chairmen may run committee meetings as needed throughout the school year.

Combating Burnout - Don't try to do everything yourself. Remember that you have fellow officers, chairmen and a community full of volunteers. Ask for help! And you don't have to have all of the answers, just where to look/who to ask.

Hours - 1,000,000,000 - and worth every minute of it. Seriously, about 20 hours/week, more or less depending on the upcoming activities.

Advice - Seriously consider becoming a member of PTO Today and taking advantage of all of their wonderful resources. These boards are free and an amazing wealth of information is out here. But "membership has it's advantages".

And finally, as our friend dlf is often heard saying - HAVE FUN!!!!!

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
18 years 7 months ago #115370 by ademom74
Answers below.
Organization is best accomplished on computer, using filing system much like you would do with paper. Always debrief after an event when ideas are fresh and save for following year.
Introduce ideas immediately and then if they are received well, deligate to another board member for follow up and follow through.
Exec board meeting should always preceed each general membership meeting. These meeting can be at peoples homes.
Don't get burnt out, burn brightly so all will follow you!!! Everyone loves an enthusiastic person. If you deligate properly to the right people, burn out won't be an issue until next May.
Being an PTO president is a full time job and should be treated as such. How many hours are required depends upon the committees that are active and how good your other officers are.
Hope this helps and good luck...
18 years 7 months ago #115369 by Amy74
Hi everyone! I am a new PTO president for the upcoming year and I am absolutely LOVING these boards!!

My question is how do you organize all your ideas so you actually remember them when the time comes?

How far in advance do you intoduce these ideas to the rest of your board? I feel like if I start talking with everyone now about ideas for November, December, and beyond we will do nothing but have meeting after meeting.

How often do you get together with your board members? Do you always meet at school?

With all these great ideas I am already starting to see how easy it would be to get burnt out. What do you do to combat that?

On average how many hours do you reigning presidents think you put in on PTO things in a week?

Thanks for all your input! You all rock!
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