One thing we did was to have "business cards" printed with our website information. If you go to,
you can get 250 free, and only pay shipping. Our said:
Slate Run PTO is now on the web!
Does your child forget to bring home important papers?
Are you tired of not knowing what is going on?
Now you can find out any time!
Check out our new website for all of the latest Gator happenings.
We handed these out to all of our parents at open house, and put them in new student packets. We also put our web address on all correspondence that we sent home with the kids.
Another thing we did, was to put the information in our weekly school newsletter, and had our website as the answer to the question of the week. If the parent answers the question, then the student's name goes in a monthly drawing. Traffic did increase when we did this.
Do you all have a web site up and running? If so, how often are you getting hits and if you are not getting to many of them, do you have any ideas on how to get families to go to your website?
I thought of a treasure hunt or something of the sort.
Any ideas??