SHC, I totally agree. We always put out a request for ideas to our teachers and principal when we have extra funds to spend. Our first goal is to improve the educational opportunities for our children, then we look at getting fun stuff. We allotted some money for the playground this year, but we even got the list of ideas for that from the teachers who sit on the school playground committee.
Last year when I was President and we had a a very successful fundraiser (auction) plus money from a prior year, we had alot of money that needed to be spent. I created a "form" that was a Teacher Wish List. Teachers could make a request but it had to go through the principal first. Then, if the principal approved it, it went into our spending proposal. We spent about $105,000 this way! It was a huge boost for the school(private school). I decided who knew better what the school needed than the teachers and the principal. We bought all kinds of things--from technology to new chairs for one grade.
Thanks for all the ideas. I have them as a fall back for additonal ones. We voted this evening for getting a read Accelerated Reader Program running in our school. We have 825 quiz titles currently and are going to expand that to 2,500! Won't the media center specialist love to hear it!!!
I love getting everyone's ideas around here. You're always thinking!!!!