So far, during our after-school PTO club day,we have offered Chess Team, Speech and Debate, Carnival Crew, Sign Language, Sewing, Mad Muse (they produce a student tv show), Garden Club, Science Club, Board Games, Knitting, Card making and cup stacking. We are always on the lookout for parents with interesting hobbies or skills and who have the willingness to share with our kids.
Good luck!
Madison PTO
Mount Vernon, WA
We do TONS of these and before school as well. We have a Thinking and Games Club that focuses on Math and Chess and other thinking sorts of games, we have a book club where everyone in the club reads the same book and then watches a movie at the conclusion, we have a tech club and a science club, a language club and sponsor a karate clinic for 3 weeks out of the year. We sprinkle in some things like a Jingle Bell Jog at the holidays and anything else we can think of. Good Luck....(the tech club/science club and language club are teacher sponsored). d
Does anyone have any great ideas for parent-volunteer after school enrichment activities? We are in the process of working on next year with a different principal, (hopefully more supportive) and we need some new ideas. Thanks!!