Costco, Sams' Club or Walmart super (grocery thingy) any near you?
Most schools are also allowed to use Title I and other funds for 'Refreshments', ie Donuts with Dad, BBQ for back 2 school.
Check with your principal, maybe they could do a if you fund this, we'll fund this once the money is in type deal.
<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
First of all, volunteering should not co$t the volunteer, your time is valuable, don't start down the road of $upplying item$ for the classrooms/events it will continue to cost you or will become what is expected of you.
Do you have any parents that work for a local grocery store that might have some influence on donations? Many schools have funds given to them from the school districts for expenses "in house" could your administrator be approached to assist with expenses? What if a nominal fee of $1.00 is charged per participant-still a great deal- Could you move monies from another line item that might have an excess to help fund this social? Hope this helps
Is this a free event or are people paying some type of fee to attend? Anyway, you should try all of your local Supermarkets. Two different big chain supermarkets by us are always good about donating to us. Type up a letter for the donation and put your tax exempt # on it. Go to the stores personally and ask for the manager. Speak to the manager personally and ask for the donation and hand them the letter. I only advise you to go personally as we have learned that when a letter is mailed it rarely ever reaches the managers hands and you get no response, but going there personally gets results.
If you can not get the donations then why not hold a 50/50 at the breakfast to help recoup some of the money that had to be laid out. This way if you personally have to lay out the money, the PTO can reimburse you for what you spent.
Our PTA has decided to put on a lunch with the Easter Bunny on April 1st. It is something that is sort of last minute, it was brought forth two months ago but really has not come together until lately.
The person incharge with contacting a local meat facility JUST asked them about donating. Even after I typed the letter weeks ago, but that is another story.
Well, they are not willing to donate the hotdogs or money at this time. Our PTA has NO Funds but the word is already getting out about the event. From what I understand from the board members, they were sort of counting on this business.
Does anyone know of a place/business that will donate hotdogs, buns, chips, etc last minute? It is less than 4 weeks away. Worse case, I will buy the stuff and donate it. But I am trying to avoid it. I don't want to get in the habit of it.