Thanks for the suggestion!! I was told that they didn't have a PTO for a few years so I don't think that shutting it down would really matter to the PARENTS, but I know it will to the school!!
Yes, you definitely need parents to step up and fill those vacant seats. Send out a letter or flyer listing everything the PTO pays for, activities and events, etc. Let them know you're working to make the school a better place for the kids and that PTO funds pay for all of the "extras" not provided by the school district!
How much does your organization do for the students? Threaten to shut it down. Remind the parents what PTO does for the students and that it is all coming to an end.
We had our fist Executive meeting since Christmas and 4 people showed, 3 of them were the principals!! We have no secretary and no treasurer, the VP is usually a NO SHOW and I was doing it alone.
The 2 parents that have volunteered to help weren't good enogh or something cause they TABLED that issue til April. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?? :confused: