Maybe a note about messy homes are A-Okay! Personally, I volunteer for just about everything on some level and even I would have a hard time opening up my home for a bunch of people, let alone some I don't even know. Mainly because of the work I would have to do as far as making sure there was enough room, plus cleaning, plus providing drinks and food. Not to mention if 10 parents are coming are there kids coming too? Come to think of it.... I doubt I would sign up for one.
Not to get down on your idea, but these may be some of the issues you will have to address in order for people to feel comfortable hosting one of these.
I recently had a conversation with my school principal about getting parents to volunteer. And the challenge we are facing is that it's not that we don't send out flyers, we do. But, it hasn't been enough to bring parents in to volunteer @ our school. I was hoping you had ideas on how to market or publicize our house mtgs. House mtgs are supposed to be hosted at a parents home with @ least ten parents, the principal or asst principal attends. The objective is to get a dedication from each parent to volunteer some time. It could be reading a book to being a parent patrol. Can anyone help?