...also please let the Principal know of the issue so they cna be onboard and not surprised when this parent goes to them and claim their innosence. You may also want to contact the legal department with the school district to find out the best possible solution and possibly their help and advise in this matter.
I highly recommend contacting legal support and NOT doing any more on your own. These are serious accusations and you will want to make sure that everthing is done right.
If you are positive that this is happening, and it shouldn't be too hard to check out, you need to call in the police. This is fraud and goes way beyond just removing this member. People who steal from PTO's are criminals and should be treated like any other criminal. I've heard Tim rant on this subject and I totally agree. If you try to handle this quietly, as our PTO did when a similar situation came up, you are doing your community a disservice. This person could easily go on to another organization and do the same thing there.
Check your bylaws for your groups procedure as well as how to procede. Regardless, you may want to have a talk with your board to decide whether or not these accusations have any substance and what you can do to safeguard against the possibility of them happening (again).
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
I am looking for information regarding the removal of a PTO board member. Is there a typical procedure or major pitfalls to watch for. There have been some accusations regarding the possibilities of a member using his PTO status to acquire donations that do not make it to our PTO.