Ours is in concert with our Ice Cream Social...we try to link each meeting (about 4 a year) with a thing. In November it will be Family Photo Night and PTO meeting and then in the Spring perhaps a 5th grade concert. Seems to work nicely....d
What's your group doing to attract new members to your first meeting of the year?
We've invited a local "Tastefully Simple" consultant to join the first part of our meeting, providing tasty samples for all. As a parent, she's excited to be able to stay for the meeting. Childcare provided as usual. Anyone coming to this as their FIRST PTO meeting will receive five free raffle tickets to our themed basket raffle tied into our catalog fund-raiser. Teachers are encouraged to attend for the chance to win a $25 Staples gift card (we're lucky to get one teacher a YEAR to our meetings!)