Dear S. Colbert
I understand what you are going thru. I too have that issue. From my experience, due to the fact that you are a concern parent and you are trying to get the parent involvment (PTO) in your school to get started, it might be a possibility that the Principal is feeling intimidated by your eagerness to get this PTO started and the support that you will have from other parents.
DO NOT GIVE UP! This is for your children, the children at the school! If you don't stand up right now who know's what will happen later.
ps. I will give you some of the chaos that has been going on at my school. Due to the fact that my self and other parents are standing up for our childrens rights, and we speak out. We have had our names slandered by a Staff Member at the school. Know this person is well known at the school but feels intimidated since we are outspoken and want what is best for our children.
I am the PTO president at a school that has not had an active PTO. And we are trying to start one but our Principal seems to be trying to keep one from starting and at the same time leading others to believe he is for a PTO. He has pulled some cleaver schemes and has even use the district policy on PTO's to munilulate his way to do so. I need to be in contact with someone who can offer some experienced advice on this. I am about to give up trying to start a PTO but the need is so strong fro our children. Please someone help!!!!!