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PTO president resume

19 years 5 months ago #113500 by Two Kids
Replied by Two Kids on topic RE: PTO president resume
Also, my school is also a charter teaching the core program and I dont think we are any different from a public school other than we are very small.
19 years 5 months ago #113499 by Two Kids
Replied by Two Kids on topic RE: PTO president resume
Hi, I also am new to the PTO and we had to submit a bio along with a request to be nominated. Then a vote had to be cast among everyone. I have noticed that some PTO's run informal and some (like mine) are very business like. If they are requesting a resume, I would be prepared for some intense parents.
19 years 5 months ago #113498 by ptohyeah
Replied by ptohyeah on topic RE: PTO president resume
In my experience of being "begged" to take the President position, I would have been clueless about a resume or even a list of ideas. Like most of us have said you go into this blind not realizing all that the position entails. If I had known, I wouldn't have taken it. I'm not one to come up with great, groundbreaking ideas. I go with the flow and allow the members to decide. I can't imagine a slew(sp?) of people running for it, but if they were, I guess some indication of how they handle themselves and others, and stressful situations would be informative. Then again, I'm grateful to have had this opportunity and I have learned ALOT about how to handle people and situations, good and bad. I feel like I will be walking away a better person when my term ends in May.
19 years 5 months ago #113497 by HeritageDad
Replied by HeritageDad on topic RE: PTO president resume
I may be misunderstanding this. What is the reason for this resume? The only true qualification for PTO involvement at our school is having a child in attendance there. If you want to run just do it! If people are insistant on a resume, ask to see all of the resumes of the past officers. Check the by-laws for the requirement of a resume. Good luck and keep us informed.
19 years 5 months ago #113496 by C. Brooks
Replied by C. Brooks on topic RE: PTO president resume
I think it is a good idea if several are running. Resume may not be the word I would want to use but if you list the ideas you have and what you are willing to do and most importantly why you want to do it, it may motivate the whole group.
19 years 5 months ago #113495 by Sarah Jo
Replied by Sarah Jo on topic RE: PTO president resume
After serving one year as VP and one year as president and currently working on my second year as president, I am desperately looking for that "new kindergarten mom/dad." You know the one who doesn't know any better and is jumping in with both feet (that was me), to take over for me. Currently I haven't found her or him. As my vp who has been with me the entire time says the only qualification for PTO is you have to be "Crazy stupid". Crazy to take the position in the first place and stupid if you keep doing it. But we all do it because we love it and we want to be involved in our kids school. That's what is important.
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