Hey Tara, how do the teachers feel about this? Are they ready to take on this challenge?
Our school is right now moving on from a difficult Principal and something that helped was to contact the person with your school district that handles conflict/issues. Ask for an investgation and offer a neutral/safe person for parents and staff to talk with. The BOE is not always equiped to handle 30+ parents coming to a meeting and making a plea but to ask for someone to look into this, talk to staff, help you make sense of what is going on with this person. DOes the district have a copy or know about the "lock out"? You maybe surprised!
Also, remember there is a big difference between how we think things
should be and how things
need to be and how the Principal
wants it to be . Right or wrong, old fashioned and outdated, she is still there to do a job and her boss (the school district-- "we" the parents don't write her paycheck) needs to be shown evidence.
Our situation took the entire school year and it was Mid-March when everything hit the fan and by June she was fired by our own school board. No flaming torches or picketing parents just research, documentation, meetings and patience.
My final thought

- there had to have been something that happened last year that made her implement this crazy policy. She must have an incredible budget to pay overtime for the staff going! HA HA HA!!!
Hang in there.....