Last year we did a fun fundraiser. It was KISS THE COW. For one week the students could "BUY" Votes on what staff member they would like to see KISS THE COW. I borrowed a Cow costume from Chik-fil-A and danced around all week, went to the lunch room, stood outside the school at drop off and pick up with a big sign that said " KISS THE COW." They all loved it. A family at the school has farm animals and they were happy to bring it to the school. We made the front page of the newspaper. The other themes we thought of for this year and the following years is : Hug a Horse, Peck a PIG, and Smooch the Pooch (Our Priest has the UGLIEST Bull Dog that only he could love)...I think some of the staff members were stuffing the votes for other staff members so they wouldn't have to do it. We raised $1200 to renovate our bathrooms.
Last spring, our principal got "slimed" when our kids reached their Box Top goal. One of our moms made green slime out of Jello and I don't know what else. It went over well. No pun intended.
We have done lunch with the principal in front of everyone else. I saw one school's spend a night on the roof of a building.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
Do you have any ideas for us to do to the principal to motivate kids with Fundraiser. We have dressed her up, thrown stuff at her,etc. Top selling classes get to take turns with her. She is pretty much up to anything. I need something that will really get them motivated and want to sell...sell...sell!