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mandatory volunteer hours

18 years 6 months ago #113003 by doodlebug
We actually just had this discussion at our executive board meeting last week (we are a private school- 253 students for the 2006/2007 year).
Right now we require 50 hours per year/family (any family member - mom, dad, aunt, uncle, etc... can volunteer to make the 50 hour requirement). Last year we only had 90 families (202 families enrolled) volunteer. Now, it was stated in the contract that those who did not meet their 50 hours would be billed $1000 at the end of the year. Unfortunately, we really don't have what it would take to enforce that, and the families know that (only one family actually paid the $1000), so we basically just sent home a letter stating they didn't meet their hours and would appreciate more involvement the next school year.
At the meeting it was discussed that we would probably have to change things for the 2007/2008 school year (we're going to stick things out again this year since we all ready have fundraisers planned for the year). We're thinking of implementing a fee of $400 required with the registration fee, to make up for the fundraising that we are unfortunately going to do away with... except for specific needs (sports teams can have their fundraisers, classes can have fundraisers for class trips etc..., but no more fundraisers for the school in general).
So it would go like this... at registration, the registration fee is required as well as the $400 fundraising fee, otherwise the student will not be allowed to register for school.
It really bothered me that we would be doing this, but we just don't seem to have enough people willing to volunteer to help with anything... and those that do volunteer are the same people at every event - no new people. We have tried just about everything we could think of to get more parents involved, but it just hasn't worked-sad, in my opinion.

[ 08-20-2006, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: doodlebug ]
18 years 6 months ago #113002 by mykidsmom
I have been an active parent at our charter school for almost nine years and am wishing we kept the manditory volunteer hours. There has been discussion of bringing this policy back though.

As far as the "two income househld issue/single parent issue" we recognized the parent also volunteers in many ther ways besides in the classroom or school. Also it becomes an issue for our staff that are also parents in the school. And yes, this is concidered a school of choice, amazing to me is for every one parent that leaves there are three waiting to enroll their children.

One parent works outside of the home and the other is staying at home with non-school aged children and may have a difficult time finding a sitter

I brought my kids with me and only stayed as long as I could or brought a movie for them to watch while I helped in the library. OR I took the work home and worked on things during naps.

We need the volunteers also as a public school in our district recieves funding first (levi and bond issues take care of the public schools first) THEN a charter school recieves so much per child AFTER the ditrict takes their 5%. I agree that 5% could pay for a fundraiser cordinator but right now my dining room table for 12 works as a make sift office. To be in a charter school, you roll up your sleeves and ask "What's next?" and understand we are saving the school money with volunteering.

$10 an hour for an employee or asking a parent volunteer....$20 a day, $400 a week......
18 years 6 months ago #113001 by what was I thinking?
Replied by what was I thinking? on topic RE: mandatory volunteer hours
We are thinking of instating within our by laws that in order to be an active member (only active members may vote) you need to attend at least 2 general meetings as well as volunteer in at least 2 events/fundraiser's etc... This allows us to have EDUCATED & INFORMED votes.
19 years 5 months ago #113000 by my3strongtikes
I think for a private or charter school it is your choice as a parent to have your child attend that school and most people realize parent involvement is required to some degree. I might change the wording of mandatory as someone else said and maybe let them know the benefits of volunteering their time.
At our public school I would say we get enough volunteers usually for events and help. I just plan on reminding them at the first meeting that we have 515 students and if each parent put in one hour of time that would help the school out alot and that one person makes a difference.

I think though making it mandatory at a public school wouldnt work not all families can do this. And truth be told if it was mandatory some of the parents would resent it and not put that much effort into what they're doing anyways.


Cindy<br />
<br><br />
<br>____________________________________________<br />
<br>&quot;People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege.&quot;
19 years 5 months ago #112999 by Michael B
I am the prez of a Private School PTO, we make nothing mandatory! Membership(25.00), Volunteer hours, making meetings are all by choice.

I think a lot of it is presentation! If you sent out a letter(email, flyer etc) and said we would like to have each family volunteer at least X hours a month, the response would be overwelming, I promise!!! Please follow me on this...You are not making it mandatory, you are just asking what is expected. Sure some will have excuses or "situations"(another name for excuses) that will prohibit them from giving those hours. The way to deal with those people is to find them something they can do in their precious spare time, like...

Make phone calls
Email or send letters
Greet people at the next meeting
Send thank you notes to sponsors and corporate donors.
Make copies
Pick up or distribute materials
etc, etc,etc.
Light a FIRE underneath their %&*$!!!

Enough with the excuses! This land was born on people with a vision and principals for America!
We have become a very laxadazical(sp?) I need it now society. We have so many "gadgets to give us more time yet have less time in the long run!
Less time to talk to our kids,
Less time to volunteer,
Less time in "our" life...c'mon people....

What ever happenned to "Where there's a will there's a way!" It only takes one person to "start a fire," "plant a seed," fill in the cliche'!

If you make it "mandatory" they may do something they have never taken the time to do an actually enjoy doing it...what a concept!

I guess I am rambling I leave you with... One person cannot do everything but everybody can do something!
19 years 6 months ago #112998 by IowaTracy
Replied by IowaTracy on topic RE: mandatory volunteer hours
I recommend checking out It is a program where parents promise their kids that they will pledge three hours. You could determine your own hours, but rather than using the word "mandatory", it could work just as effectively.

[ 08-20-2005, 08:47 AM: Message edited by: IowaTracy ]
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