I have been an active parent at our charter school for almost nine years and am wishing we kept the manditory volunteer hours. There has been discussion of bringing this policy back though.
As far as the "two income househld issue/single parent issue" we recognized the parent also volunteers in many ther ways besides in the classroom or school. Also it becomes an issue for our staff that are also parents in the school. And yes, this is concidered a school of choice, amazing to me is for every one parent that leaves there are three waiting to enroll their children.
One parent works outside of the home and the other is staying at home with non-school aged children and may have a difficult time finding a sitter
I brought my kids with me and only stayed as long as I could or brought a movie for them to watch while I helped in the library. OR I took the work home and worked on things during naps.
We need the volunteers also as a public school in our district recieves funding first (levi and bond issues take care of the public schools first) THEN a charter school recieves so much per child AFTER the ditrict takes their 5%. I agree that 5% could pay for a fundraiser cordinator but right now my dining room table for 12 works as a make sift office. To be in a charter school, you roll up your sleeves and ask "What's next?" and understand we are saving the school money with volunteering.
$10 an hour for an employee or asking a parent volunteer....$20 a day, $400 a week......