Almost used up, your gonna laugh [img]smile.gif[/img] I have already used stuff out of that already for my "Welcome to Fundraising Letter". There was a lot if really good stuff that worked for either situation. I just would die if I gave that to her and a parent really did pay attention to what they were reading .
Keep sending stuff. I love the site [img]smile.gif[/img]
I use the letter below as cover letter for membership packet. It is signed by the presidents, even though I write it.
You can use it or just take pieces of it.
Welcome / Welcome Back to All ‘school name’ Families.
September is an exciting time and we are looking forward to another great year!
As the ‘school name’ PTO, we would like to introduce ourselves and give you some idea of what we do “behind the scenesâ€. The ‘school name’ PTO provides services that enhance our children’s everyday educational experience and strives to give parents a more direct voice in what happens at our school. We coordinate many programs that all the students enjoy, such as assemblies, fund class parties as well as coordinate family activities including pumpkin carving night, holiday gift shop and our annual fun fair. We are able to do all these things through our fundraising activities throughout the year which are primarily membership dues, fall fundraiser and our spring basket auction.
The success of ‘school name’ PTO is dependant upon people who are enthusiastic about volunteering at our school. We have many committees that are active at different times of the year and require various levels of commitment. Parents who work with computers might help by doing electronic committee work,(e.g. e-mails, faxes, copying) while parents with time during the day might come to the school to help out with a committee( e.g. School Store, Life Skills.) Our basket auction, which takes place in the spring, is by far the largest event we sponsor and needs many volunteers. Whatever your own level of flexibility, ‘school name’ PTO always appreciates their parent volunteers, as do our teachers and staff. Keep in mind that by volunteering, you will get to enjoy interacting with the kids, become friends with other parents, and accomplish things that truly make a difference.