There is proof. The police were even involved. However she was not prosecuted because they are a non profit children's sport league and they just didn't have the money to handle it. I have already spoken to the people involved with her incident. She has paid it all back. The election was held funny(at least I think so). There were 4 people on the ballot for the V.Pres(this included 2nd). You voted for one.It did not indicate who was running for 1st or 2nd. Person with the most got the 1st postion then the runner up got the 2nd position. Two people on there were thought to surely win. However one if those told everyone else, don't vote for me(not wanting the responsibility of 1st V.P), she said vote for "**"(which would be the other best choice). SO all in all the person in question probably only got the position by 5 votes!
I was told she was not allowed to handle money but have personally seen her with it. I guess they have made some effort to make sure she is not alone, but.........
I have already cofronted her once about running her mouth the night of election, but she claimed she was inocent.
People are intimidated by her and she knows it. I seriously wonder if any muscle was used to remove her. So many people want her out of there, and as I mentioned before so do I. I really wish more people had shown up for election to make sure it hadn't happened. But what are you going to do?
As for why and how she got there, people are asking that as well. I had nothing to do with that part, we have very vague bylaws. I do have the power to change those and make sure it doesn't happen again. Thanks for your input Laney [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Is there proof she embezzled money from another organization? You may want to consider not allowing her to be a signer on the account and always make certain another Officer is present when she is around money. Were there any others running for her position? Does the membership know of her problems? If she is so bad how did she get elected again?
As for her bad attitude I would very firmly put her in her place when she begans badmouthing others, etc. by letting her know that only constructive comments are allowed. If she continues to be a problem or if you find she is taking money from your group you can ask the Board or the membership to force her to resign.
I was just elected the president and I already have problems. :eek: The whole reason I agreed to run was to hopefully help eliminate PTO board problems, well at least try. The (2nd)v.pres was elected again. This was due to the way the election was run. Problem is she embezzled money from another volunteer job(not PTO). She also was allowed to run a fundraising event(family night), where she won first prize and family members took 2nd. This of course all took place this school yr. Both the pres. and principal knew that she had embezzled. According to the Pres. she was asked to step down and simply replied "no!" Now I'm stuck with her. I can not understand why she has been allowed to stay in such a position. She has a bad attitude and enjoys talking about inappropriate things and about everyone. I don't feel she should be on the board. Where do I start? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.