We have a PTA leader who INSISTS on having everything done HER way or the highway. I have had people come tell me they will help ME - but NOT if she's involved. Our school is suffering because of it.
We have room parents - she keeps the list and didn't call ANYONE all year long!!!! So she went and did all the room parent stuff for our monthly snack days and then complains because no one will help her.
I was in charge of the carnival committee and she went behind me and set up a whole new committee and so I just gave up on that.
I want so badly to be involved, but like so many others already have, I am ready to quit.
Not to sound conceited, but I've been really good at getting people to help. But they get turned off and practically run screaming in the other direction...
I'm just frustrated. Talking to her wouldn't help. We have a very very small school, so I'm pretty much stuck. Grrrr.
And worst of all, her DD is in ballet with my DD and she's taking over everything there too.
Just had to get that off my chest and ask what you guys do in that situation. I'm not a confrontational person and I don't want to quit working for my DD's school/dance... but this woman is a control freak and squeezing the volunteering life out of me!
Thanks for listening.