I would like to get some input on how you all get your members. We have a PTO and the total head count is 15. Parents are not allowed to be members of PTO. You have to be a hand picked person by a retiring PTO member. They are serving 3 year terms. There is not public election. It is a system that these 15 people have a close session and write on a piece of paper who they think is a suitable person to pass the torch on to. Many people in our school call it "the secret cloak society". You absolutely cannot be a member unless you are tapped and recommended by one of the 15. Many parents are very bitter and resentful of this group. They have actually heard about this and opened a few meetings and guess what now they are taking applications...they have sent out a note that states "applications for membership will be reviewed under a closed session" . Can you believe this? You have to apply and if the members like you then may let you join after they examine and scrutinize your application. Now I not jealous or hateful because I have actually been asked to join. SO I am on a mission to make a few changes. I would them to open up membership to every parent who wants to join. Novel concept huh? And then have a membership drive and then an election of officers. I am asking to be put on the agenda for the next meeting. I hope to present some of the great info I have found on this site.
Has anyone heard of limiting your PTO to 15 hand selected people? What are your thoughts. I would love to have some advice and comments to take to this meeting.