We do a lot of great stuff, too!
1. Family Swim night at our High School.
2. Art Smart (parent volunteers share art and a simple art project with students during school day).
3. Three for Me Parent Involvement Program -
www.three4me.com. Myself and another gal created this parent involvement program, which is going nationwide. We'll be at the Tennesse and Chicago, IL, PTO Parent Conferences to present a workshop! Hope to meet many of you there!!
4. Three for Me Derby Race. A great event to get dad's involved with their children and school.
5. Bloom with Books (we collect gently used and new books and re-distribute them to children with needs in Northern Indiana) more than 18,000 books given to children since last year!
6. Boohoo! Breakfast (for new kindergarten parents, join us for continental breakfast and welcome on first day of school)
7. After School Adventures - 8 week after school program that parent volunteers and teachers, teach a 1 hour class afterschool, 2-3 days per week. (scrapbooking, chess, jazzercise, taekwondo, writing, drama, puppetmaking, etc.).
8. Build-It! Night: It's a new event this year. Dad's at our school asked for a hands on building type event; and we are giving it to them. Families get to build fun things together, from marshmallow bridges with toothpicks, to legos, to crossword puzzles, high rise towers and creepy crawlers, etc. We'll have our Highschool Robotics team and a Lego League team doing live demonstrations. Build-it includes activities that build the mind and body. Basically, all of the senses; touch, taste, smell, vision and hearing. You can read more about it on our website at
9. Celebrate Turn-off TV Week in April with fun activities at school each evening to help keep kids away from the TV.
10. Family movie nights. One with free pizza and drinks for everyone. All other movie nights include free popcorn. We don't charge for this event.
11. Spring Craft Night.
12. Teacher Appreciation Week - we serve lunch to the teachers one day and give them small gifts of appreciation each day.
13. Parents Night Out - we offer babysitting at the school one evening prior to Christmas to let parents get their shopping done or have a date night out. We use this to increase membership or to get donations for a needy organization in our area such as the homeless shelter, etc.
14. Summer Send-off. We provide free ice cream to every child the last day of school with lunch.