We recently did an email survey, using the free service offered by
www.zoomerang.com. I sent it out to the 135 paid PTO members who had provided an email address, and made paper copies for the 42 who did not provide an email. The paper one went home in backpacks. I got a 50% response, both with email and paper.
I first asked respondents to check off the grade level(s) of their children in this school. I included the answer "No children here", as we have several teachers without kids at our school. Then, I listed 12 projects that PTO could take on, and asked them to check off all the ones they felt PTO money should go towards. Then, I asked of the ones they picked, which 2 should get the highest priority. My last question had to do with fundraising ideas. I listed all the ones we currently do, and a few other ideas that I've picked up from this site. I asked respondents to check off all the ones they themselves would be willing to support.
The online survey only lasts for 10 days, so I printed out the data (Zoomerang organizes all the results for you), and added the results from the paper surveys. I then shared the final results through email, and on paper at our monthly meeting. We'll try to focus on the top 3 projects, and may be considering some different types of fundraisers next year.
One interesting result was about the catalog fundraiser, which usually earns us anywhere from $7,000-10,000 a year. It was rated second lowest, just above "flat-rate donation per child". One new idea, printer cartridge/cell phone recycling, had lots of support, so we will probably add this one (I love those no-brainers!). :cool: