We started a uniform donation program 4 years ago. What we did was ask parents to donate any uniforms that their child may have outgrown. We then in turn hand out those unifroms to anyone who needs them (our school is approx. 90%free lunch). We also have a sale the day of registration. then we take that money and purchase some undergarments and socks. These items are used for students who might of had an accident and the parents were unreachable. The response has been outstandind.
Yes, we have a uniform closet. All pieces are $2. We have it set up on a hanging type rack, with boys pants and shorts folded on the top of the rack. The rack stays in our "sick room" and people give the money to the school secretary. Works out great. I know some schools only have annual sales but ours is "open" year round and is very handy.
Since students in our school are required to wear uniforms, a parent has suggested we start a "uniform closet." Parents would be able to swap outgrown uniforms with each other or maybe pay a minimal fee for items. Has anyone started a program like this? I'd really appreciate some suggestions on how to run a program like this. Thanks!