I think its great! you can have up to 10 pages, with no real maximum limit on space. and you can turn the different pages on and off, so if you make one for different events, you can turn that page off when its not applicible, and turn it back on the following year with minimal changes.
I created our PTO site with absolutly no idea about a website, and I think it looks pretty darn good. www.orgsites.com/ma/gwspto
If you know how to cut and paste you can do it.
The only down side is the name line, but if you can link it to the school's site it's okay
If you're looking for good free space, I suggest Angeltowns.com. It's ads-free, 50megs of space, and has unlimited bandwidth. The only bad things are are: small file sizes, no CGI or Perl files, and a VERY LONG address of free.angeltowns.com/YOURSCHOOL/yourpage.html
We are a elementary PTO and just over the winter break created a web site using HOMESTEAD.com
It is extremely easy to set up and reasonably priced. The 1st 6 months is 4.99 and then it jumps to 9.99. We have not gotten that far but I believe we plan on having sponsors linked to our site to cover the cost. If a school parent owns a business that has a web site they will pay $5-10 for the whole year. They will be linked to our site and noted as a spnsor.Go to www.homestead.com
It is worth checking out.
We also use orgsites.com...I personally love it! We have, I think, 8 pages now. You can upload pictures, graphics, etc...all for free! Pretty user friendly as well as I had no html experience!
I used Yahoo. Just today my principal asked that I dissolve it because I'd given up maintaining it several months ago. She wants to go through the main server of the Board of Ed to create a page. We are a small county but all teacher and students have the web page opportunity available to them. The problems I had with Yahoo (besides my computer ignorance) was that it was the Yahoo site was blocked by the board. They just did random blockings and Yahoo was on of them. Now that I need to do away with the webpage I can't figure out how. If anyone has this info please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
My neice is using freewebpages.com to build a website. I don't know how that is working out for her.