Steph, I wonder what the cause is of this indifference. Sure, you're going to always hear the standard involvement dodges (I'm too busy, I work outside the home, I have too many kids to come to meetings, blah, blah, blah)but is there something else going on at your school? Is there a bad track record from a previous PTO? Are parents maxed out by other "volunteer" requirements? Are typical PTO functions being taken care in other ways? I think I'd be looking for something behind the resistance if I were you.
If you turn up nothing, then you just have to start from the ground up, I guess. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
1. Do people realize there's a PTO? I'm always floored by how many families in our tiny school aren't even aware that we exist! We've done every thing short of sticking post it notes to their kids' foreheads about our activities and STILL they are surprised to hear we have something planned.
2. Is the perception that joining the PTO means endless hours of meetings and responsibilies? We try to get the word out that involvement may range from just an hour or two here and there to participating in a full scale event. There's room for everyone.
3. Have you prayed about this?! This is where I start every time!
Hang in there! You're doing something very valuable for your daughters and their schoolmates. I'm sure your girls are very proud of you.