At the high school parents get a password and are able to check the students grades. No problems that I've heard so far. [/QB]
I have talked with people who are concerned about the security involved... people hacking into the system and accessing other students' grading information, etc. I would love to know what software/firewalls may be needed, and how costly it would be. Surely in this era of increasing secure online connections, this is not that big of a deal.
My daughter's 3rd grade teacher used
It was really cool, she would put photos, kid's artwork, etc. on it. It is definitley a template that the teacher fills out and hten customizes. You can check out any of the websites, you just keep linking, from state to city to school to teacher...
Several of ours teachers have websites. One of the K teachers uses geocities (she taught me alot about how to do the PTO website) and hers is awesome. Just recently our district techs fixed it where teachers could use the main server to fix a webpage. At the high school parents get a password and are able to check the students grades. No problems that I've heard so far.
Hello. I was wondering whether any of you in this group has had experience with a classroom website being utilized by your child's teacher.
My initial thoughts on this matter are positive in nature: A classroom website is a wonderful way to involve parents in their child's educational endeavors: links to homework assignments, pending test dates, online grade book (accessed with a secure password), teacher's email, etc. It could also provide additional resources to the student, such as: practice tests, links to topic-related sites, and class photos.
Such information would empower parents with current data on an ongoing basis, and problems could be addressed long before the final report card.
On the down side... Teacher training would be needed but, if standardized templates are used, this is a minor issue. Also, some families may not have access to the internet.
Does anyone here have experience with this? Are there other pros and cons not mentioned?