I too sing the praises of Dr. Phil. I've tried to get it in our schools with no avail. Anyhow, check with your school and local libraries, your counselor and any agency that may have the opportunity to discuss this widely overlooked situation. Not sure of you location but if you have an AG Agency that may offer the Character Counts program they may have something. Also if you have a YMCA or community group such as that they may have a video. Mental Health organizations such as Lifeskills may not only show a video but may even have a counselor that can answer questions.
I think that is a very good idea. I never thought of doing that at a meeting!
That is too funny, I read this post and went to Dr. Phil.com to see if he still offered help with bullying and I come back here and someone else had already said that. I guess it's true, great minds think alike.
Have you checked out Drphil.com? He has an
anti-bullying campaign for schools and has
pledges for students & parents to sign. I'm not sure what is offered in videos, but our principal sings the praises of his program.
Does anyone know of any videos that can be shown as a program for the parents on bullying in the schools at a PTO meeting? We're specifically looking for something that would help parents see that this problem does exist in the schools. I find alot of articles and videos for the students on how to cope but nothing for the parents.