justme, I don't know where your from but that sounds like our Southern Community Action program. Our SCA is in charge of headstart, some of our daycares, "Meals on Wheels" (for senior citizens), and foster grandparents. Foster Grandparents are paid by the hour based on their SSI, just enough so that it won't interfere with their benefits. It offers training for them also. They are allowed to "work" in our schools and daycares. It is a great program. I am sure some of the grandparents do not receive a penny. We currently have one at our school and she comes in 4 days a week. When I was in high school we had a couple there too. Now our local high school has a volunteer that works through "Green Thumb"(?) not sure if that is the correct name. How about your retired teachers association?
Our church has adopted our school. It works out wonderfully because the church is full of little old ladies looking for something to do. As a result, they serve as reading buddies, wrappers for santa shop, and have "prayer partners" (secret pals) for each teacher. It is also a wonderful sight to see so many seniors taking an active interest in the school, and the children adore them. Certainly there is a church in your community that is full of more than its share of seniors, perhaps they would be a good group to approach.
Call a close retirement home/community. Our school definately rely's on them (not only the adults but the kids love them). It really is a great idea to put in motion. Best of Luck to you.
We are very lucky to have a senior activity center right next door to the school, when we need volunteers for any activity...mainly our HOST program that gives kids extra help with reading we let the director know. Seniors are our best natural resource for kids, they tend to want to have something to do and love the kids! I would suggest checking to see if your community has a senior center...
I would love to get our senior citizens involved in helping kids in the schools, with so many working parents I thought maybe the retired population might help out. We need volunteer readers to work with kids in need, people to play games (learning games) and do flash cards and maybe bond with a child that could use some extra attention! Any ideas on hoe to get them there???? When I was in school ( Back when there were dinasours) my mother ran a program with a grant to give hot lunch to the senoirs anyone heard of anything like this??? Any ideas would be welcome!!